Vibe Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Vibe Magazine Contents Page Analysis

This contents page is too from Vibe magazine. The cover model is Kanye West.
As we can tell from looking at the previous contents page analysis from Vibe magazine we can see how they maintain the same style layout within their contents pages, they simple rearrange the positions of certain parts slightly to then fit well with the main image.
Therefore, on this contents page they again, show a ‘V’ in the background to show this is a Vibe magazine contents page, and create a brand identity to the magazine as all their magazine contents pages have the ‘V’ in the background. This appeals to the audience as they begin to get comfortable with the usual layout choices of the magazine.
The colour code of this contents page is greyscale and black and white, we can suggest they do this to reinforce a certain lifestyle, as when we think of black and white, we could think of formal wear which could also reinforce to us quite a rich lifestyle. Juxtaposed to this by the use of the colours being greyscale this emphasises on the red heart on Kanye West. When we look closely to the heart we realise there is a woman’s hand trying to grab the heart. The usual connotation of red hearts would be love, and as there is a woman trying to take his heart his expression shows quite a negative mode address as if he is not happy about love or someone taking his heart. They use intertextuality as at the time of this contents page Kanye Wests ideological view of women is to be heartless and heartbreakers and at this time the mood of his songs fit this with hit singles called heartless, love lockdown etc. Therefore portraying Kanye West in this way this appeals to the audience as they know this is how they view Kanye West and what element within his music he is in.
In the last contents page analysis they showed the usual stereotyped of rappers –having many tattoos and a lot of jewellery on. However in this cover they portray Kanye West in a more mature gentleman way, having him in a suit, this could be because Kanye West has never portrayed himself in the typical rapper stereotyped way, therefore he challenges the dominant ideology of rappers being thug like. This will appeal to the audience as it will show them you don’t have to be a certain way to enjoy this magazine, as long as you love the music that is all that matters.
Furthermore, Vibe magazine use their usual layout choices on the magazine; they use the same font and font size for their title ‘contents’, they also locate the writing on the right of the page in small writing, they may do this as by having small writing it does not take the focus of the main image, also we can suggest that most people do not really read the whole contents page, therefore there is no need for the writing to be massive.
Therefore, by Vibe magazine keeping the same layout choices to the magazine this get the audience comfortable with the way the magazine is set out, and makes it easier for them to read the magazine and creates a brand identity to the magazine, making them different from all the other music magazines.

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