Focus Group Plan

To create a focus group I am going to interview and speak to a group of males and females between the ages of 17-26 as that is the age range I want my target audience to be. By getting a group of my intended demographic I will be able to get the views and opinions students and those of the working class. This will help me find my target audience and find out what their views and opinions are on magazines.

I will ask them a ray of questions. I want to find out their hobbies, their social and cultural information. I will find out their music interests, what they like to do when it comes to hobbies and interests. I also want to know what they are doing within their lives right now, whether they are studying or what they hope to do in their lives as this then gives us a sense of interests and goals. By finding out this information it will give me a sense of what my target audience is like and what types of things they are interested in therefore I will be able to chose and know what types of articles my target audience will be interested in, also by knowing about my target audience I will then be able to decide what price my magazine should be and what contents should be inside when it comes to the choice of words used whether they be complex or not, I will also know what brands and lifestyle I can create in the magazine.

In my focus group, not only will I find out what I would like to know about them, but learn what my target audience would want from a magazine, what type of articles would they want included, what star would they like to see included and possibly what they want to get from a magazine, what about a magazine would interest them. I want to find out what magazines they usually read and what about those magazines they like and what they wish those magazines included and what they did not like about those magazines. As this is a lot of information to take it i may have a focus group and a questionnaire as they are both effective tools that will give me a lot of information without having to use to much of my focus groups time.

All this information will help me know what my target audience want from a magazine and what will make them find my magazine the best. I want my audience to be able to relate to the magazine and enjoy every issue that comes out, therefore by having a focus group it will give me the knowledge of how i can make the perfect magazine that my target audience will enjoy.

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